Our “Learn. Practice. Perfect. Play” system is designed to give each player the needed skills, reps, understanding and instincts to reach their next level of development. We’ve discovered, over years of developing athletes from beginners to professionals, that what’s important is not what they know, or what they can do in a training environment but what they are confident with and how they respond with it naturally in game. Although we could show players new moves and new ideas almost every lesson. We take the time to practice perfection and make sure the player is capable of applying what they know in a live environment. This is done through our 18 level training that is used to inspire players and progressively add new movements, new in game terminology, and new intelligence as the player improves.


Players LEARN through demonstrations and breakdown cadences that single out body movement. 


Players PRACTICE with drills that we give them with us and some specific for at home use to help master new concepts. 


Players PERFECT the application of the system through read and react scenarios with the new moves or concepts


PPT encourages players to PLAY these skills out in a game setting to minimize mental processes and form intuitive responses.

Our upgraded training system works by helping basketball players grow their own unique game while mastering their skills using a progressive and easy to understand move matrix.

Practice Perfect Training Prices

Small group training prices are per player, contact us for sibling discounts.

Single Session Training Credit
$ 40
  • 60+ Minute training
  • Group of 6-12
  • Home workout plan
5-Lesson Package
$ 175
  • $35 / training credit
  • 60+ Minute training
  • Group of 6-12
  • Home workout plan
8-Lesson Package
$ 240
  • 8 Training Sessions
  • 60+ Minute training
  • Group of 6-12
  • Home workout plan
Unlimited* Monthly Plan
$ 250 $ 212
  • Unlimited Training Sessions
  • 30 days validity
  • Group of 6-12
  • Home workout plan
  • * – access to all eligible training sessions at your player’s level or below.

Ready to get your PPT player evaluation?

Player evaluations are the first step to your PPT training plan